Sunday, July 17, 2011

Garden Update July 17

Whew, it's a HOT ONE out there!  We've been having a hot and dry spell the past week-and by "dry", I mean NO RAIN. It's super humid and super hot and evidently that is exactly what watermelons LOOOOVE!!! 

We can practically see the watermelons growing before our eyes! It's pretty impressive, I have to say. I've never grown them before, so I'm kinda like a kid at Christmas--all wide-eyed and waiting for Santa. Well, my "santa" is watermelon! I have 4 that are now larger than ping pong balls. SOOOO cute.  Check 'em out:

I keep trying to count the watermelons and keep forgetting which ones I counted. Bah. The bigger ones are easy to count, those small ones, well, I get confused. "Did I count that little one? Oh, here's one I skipped. Or maybe not."  Whatev. There's LOADS of them. Prolly 15 or so. Not too shabby considering they are still blooming. I'm wondering if I should pick off the blooms like I do with pumpkins. Anyone know?

There's also lots of action in the cantaloupe bed. I counted 7 of those today. Brett can literally eat a cantaloupe in one sitting-all by himself, so he's pretty excited to have 7 growing. The plants are LOADED with blooms, so I'm thinking we could get a minimum of 2 per plant (16 total). WOW!!!  Here's some pics of these little gems:

I owe these adorable, itty bitty melons (betcha thought I wasn't going to say "itty bitty!") to the pollinators, like this guy:

Thanks, bees!!!!

Here's some other (ah, less cute) things growing in my garden:

First up is the leaf lettuce I planted in May. After being "replanted" by Bryce several times, and getting scorched and then getting replanted by Bryce a few more times, I finally have some that can be harvested for dinner tonight (well, dinner salad for ME):

(i don't know what rogue plant is growing in with my lettuce. I'm leaving it to see what it does. I LOVE volunteers!)

Ginormous cabbage!!!!!  I have 15 or so cabbage plants (mmmmm, sauerkraut) and this is my bestie.

My cukes are taking off. They've suffered a bit from the heat, but I'm trying to be better about watering them.

It'll be a bell pepper palooza this summer! I counted 8 so far....mmmmm, salsa!

Cauliflower (and weeds) under some netting. Darn rabbits are relentless--even with the garden fenced off, they are STILL sneaking in!!! They have annihilated my broccoli again and now I'm just trying to save the cauliflower. I'm going to start more brocc today and hope for a fall harvest.

Tomatoes....please ripen!!! I have forty-leventy-seven tomatoes right now and they're all green. I also have no idea which variety is which because Bryce removed my tags an hour after I planted them. They are all heirloom and some ripen to a vivid orange. Guess I"ll know what they are in a few weeks.

And finally, the garden that is quickly turning into a jungle:

On a final note, the brown lawn around the garden tells the true story of the lack of rainfall here in metro-Detroit. I'm not a huge fan of watering the lawn, although I do water a section in the backyard where the kids run & play. I leave everything else to go dormant. It'll come back when temps chill out in September. I'm pretty sure my neighbors don't mind, I do live in suburbia where perfectly green & manicured lawns are the norm. I'm a rebel with my brown grass. I tell my neighbors to just look at my flowers and ignore the grass =)


  1. Hi Dorothy,
    Looks like there will be some good eating at your house this summer. Melons rarely ripen in N. Michigan as our season is too short.

    I know what you mean about the brown grass. Mine is looking pretty brown now, too. This heat wave is awful! We had a record high yesterday. I hate it.

    Thanks for stopping by and following. I am now following you, too.

  2. Looks great! I'm talking to my tomatoes too- "please ripen - please hurry"!

  3. Gardens are looking good. I sure could go for some good red watermelon right now. MMMmmmm.

  4. Looks like a great harvest in the months to come! Jean

  5. I can eat a whole cantaloupe in one sitting too, especially if it is homegrown. Your garden looks great.

  6. Thanks for the compliments, everyone. I just love watching these watermelons & cantaloupes! Ticking off the days until we can EAT them! =)

  7. Dorothy, I am so with you re: watering the grass. Thankfully, it has not been an issue in S. IL this year, but we've had our summer droughts, too. I hate to see the garden suffer! Your veggie garden looks great! It's so much fun to pick produce in your own back yard. Thanks for sharing your pictures! ~~Rhonda

  8. your melons are way ahead of mine! we just started getting flowers. Great Garden :)

  9. Hope you're rolling in watermelons before the summer is over! They're one of my favorites!

  10. How cute are those watermelons! We can't grow them very well in the Bay Area in California. Enjoy.

  11. Your melons look awesome! We are hot and dry here too in Ohio. This summer has been so weird! Glad your garden is doing well.

  12. It's hot and dry here too! I enjoyed looking at your garden photos and can understand why you're so pleased. I picked a zucchini today, my second one, and it was so satisfying. If I start swimming in zucchinis I may change my tune...or learn about freezing them! (Thank you for visiting my blog tonight and leaving a comment.)

  13. haha on watering the grass! I do the same thing...if the sprinklers that are watering the garden beds hit the grass...then so be it. Otherwise it's on its own. Still hot and dry here in Florida too. yuck.

  14. Thanks for the melon compliments, ladies. I'm just enjoying watching them grow!!! & the kids can't wait to EAT THEM!!!!

  15. So glad you linked this post to Fishtail Cottages garden party! Those "bitty melons" are just so sweet! Our grass is definately drying out here too (& it's been raining) ha ha xoxo, tracie

  16. I'm with you on the grass- all mine is brown except the back which is green-brown. When we don't have lots of summer rain, that is. :-)

    And that hot? That's one of the reasons we can't grow very good melons here in the Willamette valley!

    Thanks for sharing!

  17. Your veges look great! Love the progression pics of your watermelon. :o) I'm with you . . . chanting everyday for my 'maters to turn red. LOL

    Thanks for sharing!

  18. Thanks, ladies! It rained yesterday---everywhere but HERE!!! AGH!!!


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)