Saturday, May 14, 2011

2011 You Be The Chemist.

Brendan's third appearance--that's right--THREE YEARS IN A ROW!--at the Michigan You Be The Chemist Challenge (YBTC) was quite exciting. Sponsored by PVS Nolwood Chemicals and Dow Chemical and filmed at Detroit PBS, it's a very exciting day. Brendan's 3rd year straight at the State Challenge appears to be a record; there were a handful of contestants from 2010, but to the best of my knowledge, he's the first to come back for 3.

This is the second year that YBTC was recorded before a live studio audience of parents and siblings and it's just such a treat that these chemistry whiz kids receive the kind of celebrity they deserve. The goal of the folks that sponsor this contest here in Michigan is to push chemical education & competition to the level of the National Spelling Bee or the National Geography Bee. Michigan was the first state to broadcast the Challenge; California has followed suit and recorded their 2011 Challenge as well.

24 State Finalists beat out about 5,000 other middle schoolers to get to the State YBTC; it's quite an impressive amount of work these kids do to land a seat. Brendan and 2 of his classmates from the gifted program at his middle school were representing our county-this was the 2nd year for his classmates in the State Challenge.  Brad and I knew the competition was tough, but Brendan was cool as a cucumber. We were shocked when one of his classmates was knocked out in Round 3-but he was re-entered later when it turns out there was a computer glitch. The kids use these wireless clickers to choose their answer from the question on the screen and with technology comes glitches.

The kids answer 3 rounds of questions in sets of ten; a maximum of 2 competitors is eliminated at each round. Then they complete 3 rounds of 5 questions, again with a max of 2 competitors being eliminated at each round. Brendan's other classmate was elminated in the 3rd round of 5 questions. Then they move to single elimination questions. The questions are not graduated--they are randomly easy and "harder" mixed throughout. Brendan made it to the 11th single elimination question when a silly mistake knocked him out.

Brad and I were SHOCKED at the question that knocked him out---the rule of thumb is that if MOM knows the answer then BRENDAN knows the answer. As I knew the answer, I just couldn't believe Brendan didn't!  He made a silly mistake with his clicker (insert long drawn out sigh here!) and landed in 6th place overall. His remaining classmate tied for 4th. Brendan was very upset initially, but by the time he did his exit interview for the TV broadcast and had a snack (did I mention the food they lay out for this competition?) he was all smiles and raring to go for 2012.

Congrats, Brendan. You rank higher and higher in the state every year. Hopefully, 2012 will be YOUR year!!!

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