Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Finally! Some Good News!

Great news, actually.

Bryce's annual food allergy bloodwork results arrived in yesterday's mail. To say that we were pleasantly surprised is an understatement.

The test results indicate that there is a  HUGE downward trend in his milk, peanut and tree nut allergy! Egg is still very high and Bryce has a newly confirmed allergy-sesame. For some reason, they didn't run wheat, rye, soy, cinnamon, walnut or pistachio, so Bryce will have to go in for another blood draw so we get a complete picture of where his levels are for those allergens.

What does this mean? Right now in the short term, this lovely downward trend in milk, peanut and some tree nuts means nothing. Bryce will continue on his Top 8 free diet, we will shop as we have previously, we will cook as we have previously, and we will avoid situations/places that risk anaphylaxsis. Nothing changes.

The light at the end of the tunnel? We actually believe we can see it.


  1. FANTASTIC! Nothing changes?!? Your stress levels do! Don't downplay that. Mom counts too. ;) He'll have a better chance at not reacting to the small amounts that cover most surfaces when he comes into contact with those allergens. Go Bryce!

  2. Yeah! It's definitely a step in the right direction! Love, Grammy


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