Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bacon Boy!!!

We do love our pork products here. Those who know us personally know that I often post on Facebook about Bryce's baon exploits. As in, "Bryce ate 1lb of bacon!" and other such statements. Bacon holds a special place in the Bryce-meister's heart as it was one of the first "real" foods that he "ate."  Bryce had such oral aversions and struggled with textures and gagging and just not wanting to eat that we were just desperate for him to eat anything.

Enter bacon.

Bacon was meat, salt, preservatives and allergy-free. That's right-a food that's easily obtained, liked by millions and is allergy-free (for Bryce anyway). It started off with him just licking pieces of bacon, then kind of chewing on it like a chew-toy-but not consuming it. Fast forward about 2 years later and this kid is Bacon King. We can't keep him out of the stuff. He literally can consume one pound in one sitting.

At 3 years old, Bryce knows how to get bacon. He doesn't ask for bacon, he sets everything up and then asks me to cook bacon. The other day, he wanted some bacon and there wasn't anything but raw bacon in the fridge. No problem for Bryce! He got out the cast iron skillet, the bacon, the shears to open the bacon, the spatula and a chair for himself---then asked me to COOK the bacon. Ingenious. If he could've reached the knobs for the stove and worked the shears, I'm certain he would've cooked himself up a whole pound.

Ok-I didn't just "let" him do all this---I heard the banging when he got the skillet out and then I just hung out in the kitchen to see what he was doing. Sheesh. I'm not THAT much of a slacker.

Here's a photo of bacon joy-he's so proud of himself:


  1. I love this!!! What a cutie patootie!!! I remember Tyler doing stuff like that for chocolate chip cookies, about the same age too. He'd go in the pantry and get all the ingredients for the cookies and set it on the counter and then say "lets make cookies" :)

  2. Awwww, that's so cute, Beth!!!! Try to remember that story when he's buggin your for gas money =)


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