Monday, March 7, 2011

Signs of Spring???

We're a couple of weeks away from the official start of Spring and I needed to hunt for signs that spring will actually happen. Bryce and I trekked outside in our boots (it's snowy and muddy) and winter coats (because the sun might be shining, but it's COLD!) and we managed to find some green stuff happening.
Perennial Sweet Pea is out in full force! (seeds from friend M)

Very old iris-dug up from my family home in WV-sprouting. S side of house.

Sedum-variety similar to "Autumn Joy" showing new growth!!!
Poppies greening up. This plant has an E/S exposure and a lot of
heat is retained from the cement block foundation.

This is a surprise in the front yard. This is "annunal" dianthus and clearly
it is NOT an annual.

Perennial flax. Maybe the snow cover insulated it? Very green very early!

My assistant!!!

Asparagus bed & bunny tracks.

 This is a strange one. I left my largest broccoli plant in the ground
over the winter. It was sort of covered with black plastic. When I ripped
the plastic out of the ground (ah, it's frozen into the dirt!) I could
smell rotten broccoli. However, there are sections that are sending
out NEW LEAVES and one stem was green. Will it produce??

My favorite--buds on my 65+ year old lilac!

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