Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowmaggedon 2011, Part 2

The snow photos!

After being inside all day doing homework playing video  games, it was time for a break outside. The bummer was that the snow was not packing snow, so it made fort building and snowball making beyond difficult. The other problem is that we have easily 12" or more of snow drifts and that made the going difficult for Bryce. He couldn't even get off the deck!

(for the record, the deck stairs were not even visible there was so much snow on them!)

Bryce lastest about 10 minutes before he wiped his face with a mitten full of snow-and the crying started. He was done.

Brendan & Brett lasted about 30 minutes beforeo they were wet & cold.

I lasted about 12 minutes. I was freezing as I had my gloves off trying to take pictures and shoot video. Boy Scout training OUT THE WINDOW!

Here's some photos of the cuteness:
"Hep. Where de stairz?"

TeeTee to the rescue!

No wonder Bryce couldn't find the stairs! This was after I dug them out a little with my boot.

After this near-fall, I plopped him on the path Brad had snow-blown earlier.

Brett doin' his Snow Day thang.

"Come on Mom!"

The traditional snotty face & red cheeks. It was COLD!!

A psuedo snowball fight. The snow was too dry to pack, so they mostly threw snowflakes at each other.


The other HAM.

And we're DONE!

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