Sunday, February 6, 2011

Quotable Kids.

Scene:  Super Bowl Sunday. Pregame is on, pizza is in oven, kids are still scattered through the house, waiting for the signal to eat.
Brad hands me the paper to read today's Pearls Before Swine. (go read it, it's funny-I promise!) But before i show it to Brendan, I need to know if he's had some instruction on poetry meter. It's not funny if he doesn't know poetry meter.

Me: Brendan, do you know what iambic pentameter is?
Brendan: What?
Me: Iambic pentameter.
Brendan: I can't hear you.
Brett (from the living room): She said "I am a contaminator."
Brad is cracking up.
Me: (to Brad) Did Brett just say "I am a contaminator?"
Brad: Yes
Brendan (shouting from office): No, I don't know what "I am a contaminator is".


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